Gabriele Frigenti joined the MipLab group in 2016 for its Masters’s Degree in Physics and, after its graduation at the University of Florence, continued the collaboration with the group as a grant holder. During this collaboration, his research activity, founded by both Istituto di Fisica Applicata Nello Carrara (IFAC-CNR) and CREF (Museo Storico della Fisica e Centro di Studi e Ricerche “Enrico Fermi”), focused on the implementation of microbubble resonators as all-optical sensors for photo-acoustics and photo-thermometry. In parallel, he was admitted at the PhD programme at LENS (European Laboratory for Non-Linear Spectroscopy, University of Florence) and graduated in 2021. His activity on Whispering Gallery mode resonators is ongoing, with the main research focus being applications in the field of optical sensing and non-linear optics.
Position: Grant Holder
Personal profile and publications
Office: +39 055 522 6356
e-mail: g.frigenti@ifac.cnr.it

Daniele Farnesi received a Laurea degree in Physics from the University of Firenze in 2011 with a thesis on optofluidic sensors based on whispering gallery mode microresonators. From 2012 to 2016, he was awarded a fellowship from the Museo Storico della Fisica e Centro di Studi e Ricerche “Enrico Fermi”. In 2016, he was a visiting student at UCF CREOL (The College of Optics and Photonics, Orlando – Florida) supervised by Prof. Eric W. Van Stryland. He holds his Ph.D. in Materials Science and Technology from the University of Parma (2017). Currently he is a permanent researcher at CNR-IFAC and his research focuses on the development of WGM microresonators for sensing, non-linear optics and RF photonics.
Position: Permanent Researcher
Personal profile and publications
Office: +39 055 522 6354
e-mail: d.farnesi@ifac.cnr.it

Silvia Soria received the M.Sc. and Ph.D degrees in Physics from the University of Barcelona, Spain; and has an experience of 25 years in the field of optics, lasers and specifically in non linear optics in organic and glass materials and biophotonics. She was a postdoctoral researcher at Laser Laboratorium Goettingen e.V., in Germany and a Ramon y Cajal fellow at ICFO-Institute of Photonics Science in Barcelona, Spain. Currently she is a senior researcher at IFAC- CNR. She has authored over 100 publications and presented her results in many international congresses as an invited speaker. She is a member of the committee of Equal Opportunities at the Italian Society of Physics and Program Chair at Nonlinear Photonics conference of Optica, and co-Chief Editor of JEOS:RP (Journal of European Society).
Position: Senior Researcher
Personal profile and publications
Office: +39 055 522 6391
Fax: +39 055 522 6319
e-mail: s.soria@ifac.cnr.it

Dr. Gualtiero Nunzi Conti is Research Director at the Italian National Research Council (CNR) and conducts his research activities at the Institute of Applied Physics “N. Carrara" (IFAC) in Firenze, Italy, since 2008. He previously worked at the Centro Fermi in Rome, at the Optical Sciences Center of the University of Arizona, and at NP Photonics, Inc., in Tucson, USA. He holds a PhD in Electronic Engineering (2000) and a “Laurea" degree in Physics. His main interests are in the area of fiber and glass integrated optics for telecommunications and sensing. Presently his research activities and projects are focused on the development of high-Q optical micro-resonators for RF photonics, sensing, photoacoustics, and nonlinear optics. He has published 100 papers in ISI journals and 130 papers (35 invited) in international conference proceedings and he holds 2 US patent. He has chaired for several years the conference on Integrated Optics at SPIE Photonics West, he acted as Topical Editor on for Applied Optics and he is now Associate Editor of OSA Continuum.
Position: Research Director
Personal profile and publications
Office: +39 055 522 6317
Fax: +39 055 522 6319
e-mail: g.nunziconti@ifac.cnr.it
Stefano Pelli holds a laurea in Physics and a Ph.D in Non Destructive Testing from the University of Firenze. He is senior researcher at the “Nello Carrara" Institute of Applied Physics (CNR-IFAC). His interests are focussed in the fields of integrated and fibre optics, glasses for optoelectronics applications, whispering gallery mode optical microresonators and silica nanotips for biosensing applications.
He is co-author of more than 110 papers in ISI Journals and 150 in conference proceedings.
He was the 2009-2010 President and he is presently member of the board of SIOF, the Italian Society for Optics and Photonics.
Position: Senior Researcher
Personal profile and publications
Office: +39 055 522 6393
Fax: +39 055 522 6319
e-mail: s.pelli@ifac.cnr.it

Franco Cosi is a graduated Industrial Technician, specialized in optical telecommunication. He is a technician at IFAC since 1969. His research interests are optical fibers, design, fabrication and characterization of fiber based photonic devices for biomedical applications and telecommunications.
Position: Laboratory Technician
Office: +39 055 522 6392 <em>
e-mail: f.cosi@ifac.cnr.it