Fundamentals, fabrication and characterisationtechniques of guided optical systems A PhotonHub Europe Demo Centre Florence, Italy, 24 February 2025 REGISTRATION FORM Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form. Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form. Name * First Last Organisation * Address * Date of birth (mm/dd/yyyy) * Place of birth * Email * Phone Your current knowledge of Guided Optics * None Little Good Very good Billing Information - Name * First Last Organisation * Address * Phone Email * VAT/Partita IVA * Codice fiscale (for Italian organisations only; the others please insert '#') * GDPR Agreement * According to Article 13 and following articles of EU Regulation N° 2016/679 (GDPR) that bear dispositions in defence of persons and of other subjects with regard to the processing of personal data, with the signature of the present form CONSENTS TO the following processing: a) collection of personal data to complete the inscription, as well as photographs, filming made for processing by means of streaming, etc., realised during the event; b) e-mail and other contact data; c) publication of data and documents as per points a) and b) in the web site of the above-indicated Course (, ). The writer has been informed that the processing of data as above will be carried out for the following purposes: the realisation of the Course entitled: “Fundamentals, fabrication and characterisation techniques of guided optical systems”, within the ambit of the project PhotonHub Europe; for publication of the documents of the Course and supplying of services connected with the event. For the realisation of the purposes narrated above, the undersigned authorises the organisers for the data to be communicated to other subjects, such as possible external subjects who will realise testimonials of participation, updating of the web site of the Course, or the possible sponsor subject. Apposition of the signature constitutes a declaration of having examined the information on the processing of personal data attached and authorisation of the processing of the said data on the part of the person in charge of the processing for the purposes and with the procedures described in the report. Privacy Policy: Comment or Message Submit